Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ooops !

   One week, that's what I took off, one week. Who knew ?  I never felt like I was breaking my habit or giving up. It was last week, the week of Christmas and I was busy. I worked out on Tuesday, December 20th. Then for this, that, or the other reason, I missed the rest of the week. I thought about it and knew I should but just didn't take/make the time to do it.

  Well guess what? I paid for it, two fold. First, yesterday, when I did get back at it, I was sluggish and not up to par. It felt like I was weighted down, oh yeah, I was (more on that in a bit). Second, was today when Kara, the nurse, came to work for our weekly weigh ins. I knew I had gained. I could tell in my clothes and how I felt. I gained two pounds. In a week ! Seven days! Two pounds ! Why is it so hard to lose and so easy to find?

 So I said I would tell you about being weighted down. Rick gave me wrist weights and music for Christmas. The weights are great, small three pound weights that slip on your wrist. I can feel the difference in my arms after using them. He also took a bunch of his rockin, up tempo tunes and put them on my IPOD. Now I can run without hitting a bunch of slow songs, which is what most of my stuff is. It's fine for chilling or listening to while mowing the grass and things like that, but I just can't work up a good pace to Jack Johnson.

 So I have vowed that I will never take a whole week off again. That was crazy and foolish. I'm back into it and feeling good. I don't think it was a total wash, I was reminded of a few tips I already knew.

  • Weight comes on a lot faster than it goes off
  • If you start something you need to stay with it
  • Changing up or adding something new to your workout is a good thing. 
 So how do you find your way back after taking a break.?
   Jump in full force or ease back into it?
     Either way, keep at it.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Finding My Drive

  Inspiration can be found anywhere. I, for the most part, am a very positive person. I do have moments when I get down, but try not to stay there. It doesn't help anything, in fact it makes things worst. This whole working out and doing something for myself change in my life started because I was in a funk.

 I'm doing really well about keeping with my treadmill workout. I can't say that I do it everyday, but most. I've increased my speed and time that I'm on it. It makes me feel good, gets the blood flowing after sitting all day and clears my mind. I also have the most amazing support group.My best friend Rick is by far my biggest cheerleader. Lew, Tori, Ann, Kristi, Tammy, and Larry are great about telling me how well I'm doing and how proud they are of me. I know it's silly but I like having people to back me up.

 I have yet to see a difference on the scales or in how my clothes fit, nor has anyone said, "Are you losing weight?" As Tori pointed out though, I haven't been around anyone who hasn't seen me in awhile.

 As I've said in a previous post, I give myself pep talks while I jog. I also think about those who love me and want to see me happy & healthy. I have a facebook friend who is always posting inspiring quotes that I draw strength from. Then, the other day while I was stretching, I got a Twitter update from the Colts punter, Pat McAfee, that said, "The little things that you aren't willing to do to be great, somewhere, someone else is."  This made me work that much harder.

 What inspires you? What are you willing to do to be great?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A New Habit Is Born

  Old habits are easy and comfortable. They are things we do without thinking about or working hard at.
New habits are exciting, full of promise, and do take a lot of work.

  When you make a decision to break a bad habit many things have to happen. First you have to admit that the way you're doing things now isn't working. Then you have to find, and lean a different way. Most importantly you have to stick with it, which in my opinion, is the hardest part. When you realize you have really broken that bad habit and replaced it with a better one, it's the most amazing feeling.

  I've read things that say it takes at least six weeks to develop a new habit. Although I haven't been at it for that long yet, I'm well on my way to having a better way to live, and I love this new part of my life.