Saturday, December 3, 2011

A New Habit Is Born

  Old habits are easy and comfortable. They are things we do without thinking about or working hard at.
New habits are exciting, full of promise, and do take a lot of work.

  When you make a decision to break a bad habit many things have to happen. First you have to admit that the way you're doing things now isn't working. Then you have to find, and lean a different way. Most importantly you have to stick with it, which in my opinion, is the hardest part. When you realize you have really broken that bad habit and replaced it with a better one, it's the most amazing feeling.

  I've read things that say it takes at least six weeks to develop a new habit. Although I haven't been at it for that long yet, I'm well on my way to having a better way to live, and I love this new part of my life.

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